Many modern relationships are settling on one major strategy for survival: Codependency. Well-meaning adults across the country who were unable to develop secure attachment are getting their relationship needs met through the best techniques they can muster. What happens to people who are born into very controlling environments? They learn to relinquish control as a way to stay safe. What happens to people who are born into families where control (and regulation) are lacking? They learn that the more control they exert the safer they are. These two kinds of people will be naturally drawn to each other because there is backassward fit between them. The draw will be powerful, largely out of awareness, and will drive how attraction works for them. This is what codependency is about.
During our two hour workshop in the cozy Jackson Wellsprings Community Room participants will learn from our local expert and founder of the Westfeldt Institute, Tim Westfeldt, through education and partnered exercises.
Participants can expect to:
-Learn about their own relationship with control
-Learn how that affects who they attract and are attracted to, and how it places them in defined roles in relationships that they are largely not in charge of and also mostly unaware of.
-Learn how control can be managed in a functional relationship, compared to how it currently works for them.
Once this comes into awareness, it will be impossible for it to remain the same.