Self-led Online Courses:
Emotions 101
Explores what emotions are, how they work, and how to master them
19 Lessons
159 minutes of instructional video
40 minutes of at-home Exercise Demo videos
The Emotional Hygiene Wheel
Surveys what emotions are, how they work, and how to master them:
Delves into:
Primary emotions
How they can mix into compound emotions
How emotions are affected by knowing, control, and judgement
What rapid response emotions do
44 minutes of instructional video

Online Live Courses:
Emotions 101
Explores what emotions are, how they work, and how to master them
19 Lessions - 239 minutes of video
Demonstrations of At Home Exercises
Through paired partner exercises participants will learn:
What human boundaries are
How we are currently using them
How to avoid common misconceptions and ineffective boundary practices that support patterns of people pleasing, codependency, manipulation, and wasted years of relationship maneuvering
How to get boundaries working effectively leading to pervasive safety and persistent happiness
Through paired partner exercises participants will learn:
Learn about their own relationship with control
Learn how that affects who they attract and are attracted to, and how it places them in defined roles in relationships that they are largely not in charge of and also mostly unaware of.
Learn how control can be managed in a functional relationship, compared to how it currently works for them.
Constructive Conflict
Through paired partner exercises participants will learn:
What conscious or unconscious boundary strategies you currently operate with
How safe it currently is for you to use varying levels of conflic
How to safely take charge in situations when safety options are few
How to safely express triggered anger in a way that people can safely hear and receive so that conflict is consistently constructive
How to take responsibility for our triggers
Live In-person Workshops: